¡ñ Exclusive Optiv Dual Z-Design for maximum flexibility during multi-sensor measurements, optional for all models, Optiv Reference 543/763/10103
¡ñ Wear-free guide system with air bearings
¡ñ Complete 3D-CAD integration in the preparation of measurement routines with PC-DMIS Vision
¡ñ Low-vibration granite construction with fixed bridge, moving measuring table and precision air bearings on all axes
¡ñ Integrated subframe with optional vibration dampers
¡ñ Resolution of the measuring system in the nanometre range
¡ñ Measuring accuracies in the sub-¦Ìm range
¡ñ 530 x 400 mm to 930 x 1000 mm XY measuring range with 300 mm Z axis
¡ñ Load-bearing capacity of the measuring table up to 300 kg (on glass plate up to 50 kg)
¡ñ Vision-Sensor, TTL-Laser (autofocus and scanning), Chromatic White Light Sensor (CWS), touch-trigger probes and stylus module changing racks with up to 6 slots, motorised indexing probe heads, 3D scanning probe head HP-S-X1 and stylus module changing racks with 3 or 6 slots
¡ñ Motorised CNC zoom/fixed optics/Dual Camera optics
¡ñ Coaxial LED top light, LED back light, multi-segment LED ring light illumination
¡ñ Optional rotary table or Dual Rotary table
¡ñ PC-DMIS Vision